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Living Up There audiobook

"What I find so rare and immediate in this journal is the self-grown quality of the knowledge gained from the presented experience. How many of us live with this degree of attention to the events of our experience..." - Reed Bye, Foreward

This book is a series of short vignettes of a life lived in a way few human beings will ever know: in a tiny cabin, with no running water or wired electricity, at 10,000 feet altitude in the Rocky Mountains. The kicker: this was a year-round life, over 10 years. Thoreau spent two years at Walden Pond, Robert Louis Stevenson only two weeks on his "epic" journey through France. Jane's endurance and test of time brings even more depth and scope to her story. Nederland, Colorado locals still talk about seeing her snowshoe into town for supplies, speculating on her sanity. Reading this book helps one anchor that sanity, and how her personal, social experiment grew into a bonding of nature and woman that resounds well beyond a simple memoir. Published by the author.

Living Up There audiobook

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